Common Questions About Lipoma Removal: What You Need to Know
Lipomas and their removal can be a source of concern for many individuals. To address these concerns, we’ve compiled a list of frequently asked questions about lipomas and the lipoma removal procedure at the Altruderm Clinic, Glasgow.
- What is a lipoma?
A lipoma is a benign (non-cancerous) growth composed of fat cells that develops just beneath the skin. These soft, fatty lumps are typically painless and move easily when touched.
- Are lipomas cancerous?
No, lipomas are not cancerous. They are benign tumours that do not spread to other parts of the body or invade surrounding tissues.
- Who needs to have surgery for lipoma removal?
Lipoma removal is generally considered in the following situations:
– When the lipoma is causing discomfort or pain
– If the lipoma is growing in size
– When the appearance of the lipoma is causing distress to the patient
– If there’s a need to confirm the diagnosis – although rare, some malignant tumours can mimic lipomas. Here, at the Altruderm Clinic, all specimens are sent to the histology lab for analysis, and your peace of mind.)
- What does the lipoma removal procedure involve?
Lipoma removal is carried out in our dedicated Minor Ops Treatment Room under local anaesthetic. The process involves:
– Cleaning and numbing the area around the lipoma
– Making a small incision in the skin
– Carefully removing the lipoma
– Closing the incision with sutures
Fact box – what is local anaesthetic
Local anaesthetic is a medication used to numb a specific area of the body without putting you to sleep. In minor skin surgery the anaesthetic is typically injected directly into the area surrounding the surgical site. This blocks nerve signals, preventing pain sensations while you remain alert and awake.
Local anaesthesia is commonly used for procedures such as:
- Removing small skin lesions or tumours
- Performing biopsies
- Excising lipomas, cysts, dermatofibromas etc
You may feel pressure and movement during the procedure, but you should not feel any pain.
- Is surgery the only way to remove a lipoma?
While there are other treatments that may reduce the size of a lipoma, surgical excision is currently the only method to completely remove a lipoma. Excision also allows us to send the lipoma to the histology lab for analysis.
- How common are lipomas?
Lipomas are relatively common, especially in adults between the ages of 40 and 60. They can occur in people of all ages and genders, though they are slightly more prevalent in women.
- What causes lipomas?
The exact cause of lipomas is not fully understood. However, several factors may contribute to their development:
– Genetic predisposition – they can run in families
– Minor injuries
– Hormonal factors
- Can lipomas be painful?
While most lipomas are painless, some can cause discomfort or pain, particularly if they:
– Press on nearby nerves
– Contain blood vessels (angiolipomas)
– Grow large enough to put pressure on surrounding tissues
- What do lipomas look like?
Lipomas typically appear as:
– Soft, doughy lumps under the skin
– Round or oval-shaped masses
– Easily movable when touched
– Ranging in size
- Are there any risks associated with lipoma removal?
As with any surgical procedure, there are some risks associated with lipoma removal, including:
– Infection
– Bleeding
– Scarring
– Discolouration
– Recurrence of the lipoma
However, these risks are generally low, and most lipoma removals are straightforward procedures with good outcomes.
If you have concerns about a lipoma or are considering removal, it’s important to consult with an experienced healthcare professional. At the Altruderm Clinic we can provide personalised advice based on your specific needs and medical history.
- Cyst removal, including facial cyst removal, scalp cyst removal, scrotal cyst removal
- Lipoma removal, including forehead lipomas
- Mole removal
- Dermatofibroma removal
- Seborrhoeic Keratosis removal
- Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC Skin Cancer) removal
- Surgical excision
- Punch Biopsy
- Curette and cautery
Altruderm clinic specialises in minor surgical procedures serving the population of Scotland and beyond. If you are considering a minor surgical procedure get in touch today on 0141 370 6201 or and we will be happy to answer any questions you may have.