What is a Minor Surgery?

by | Jan 24, 2025 | The Skin Blog | 0 comments

At our Glasgow clinic we offer a wide range of minor surgical procedures to our patients.  But, what is considered a minor surgical procedure?

Minor surgical procedures are those that are minimally invasive and for which local anaesthetic can be used.  With minor surgical procedures a small incision is made to the skin.  Sutures may or may not be administered.  Specialist surgical tools such as a scalpel, curette or punch biopsy are used. Patients undergoing minor surgical procedures are at a lesser risk of infection than those undergoing major surgery, and recovery time is much faster.

Local anaesthetic is administered via an injection to numb the treated area which stops the nerves sending pain signals to the brain.  This means that you do not feel any pain during your procedure, and for some time afterwards. Unlike a General Anaesthetic, you will be awake for the procedure.

 Examples of the types of minor surgical procedures we offer are:

  • Cyst removal, including facial cyst removal, scalp cyst removal, scrotal cyst removal
  • Lipoma removal, including forehead lipomas
  • Mole removal
  • Dermatofibroma removal
  • Seborrhoeic Keratosis removal
  • Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC Skin Cancer) removal
  • Surgical excision
  • Punch Biopsy
  • Curette and cautery

Altruderm clinic specialises in minor surgical procedures serving the population of Scotland and beyond.  If you are considering a minor surgical procedure get in touch today on 0141 370 6201 or enquiries@altruderm.co.uk and we will be happy to answer any questions you may have.